Join us for Waldo Walk 2020

For the past 27 years, Waldo has offered the annual Waldo Fall Festival in September as a way to celebrate and connect with the families, community members and businesses that make Everything Waldo so wonderful!

With COVID-19, Waldo has been challenged to think outside of the box to create that same energy from an event that typically draws 5,000 attendees into a safe and family-friendly experience that can be done virtually or in-person.

Enter: Waldo Walk 2020. Join us for a virtual (or in-person) walk in Waldo that enourages our community to get outside, move their body and experience all that Waldo can offer from September 19 – 26, 2020.

We would love for you to join us in this new experience to get outside, move their body and experience all that Waldo can offer.

What is a Virtual Walk?

  • Utilizing the app, racery, walk through Waldo virtually via a phone or experience by walking or running in-person! This experience gives opportunities to connect every step along the way.
  • Create a team to stay accountable to get your steps in or enjoy the Waldo Walk solo! Track your goals, log miles & have fun exploring everything Waldo.
  • Be rewarded for walking! Take advantage of special offers, giveaways and rewards from Waldo sponsors and businesses.
  • Stay connected! Learn about everything Waldo and more with interactive marketing opportunities from the app, social media, email marketing, and on-site opportunities.

Sign-up for $10 NOW!

Participating Businesses

Explore everything Waldo during this fun experience! You can visit our participating businesses in-person to receive special rewards when you show that you are registered for Waldo Walk or use the app to receive promotional codes and offers, plus chances to win prizes!

Register for the app to receive the special prizes!

Want to get involved?

We are offering amazing opportunities for businesses both in Waldo and outside of our neighborhood!

Learn more about sponsorship here.

You can always email with questions or to get your business involved!